Displays MyBattery has five different window displays. The user can select one from the MyBattery menu. Each display is designed to present you with lots of information, in just a little space. Each window display has a “normal” and “condensed” view. You can switch between them by clicking in the “zoom box”. Also note that MyBattery supports color and grayscale displays, so MyBattery will draw the displays in color if possible. Bar graph display The bar graph display shows the battery voltage using a small, narrow window. Each of the indicators shown is described in more detail in the "Features" chapter.   Column graph display (registered copies only) The column graph display shows similar information to the bar graph display, except that the display is oriented vertically. Each of the indicators shown is described in more detail in the "Features and indicators" chapter.   “Gas gauge” display The gas gauge uses a display familiar to all of us. This display shows your current battery charge on a scale of full to empty, just like a car. When your battery is fully charged, the needle will rest on "Full". As you use your PowerBook, and as the voltage drops, the needle will move to "Empty". The “Empty” and “Full” points are automatically calibrated for your type of PowerBook. The “Empty” point coincides with the point where you’ll receive your first “low battery” warning. The “Full” point coincides with the voltage a fully charged battery will register. Like the bar graph display, the “zoom box” toggles the gas gauge display between large and condensed displays.   Line plot display (registered copies only) The line plot displays shows, graphically, the battery voltage drop over time. The battery voltage is measured once per minute, and plotted out on the chart. Different patterns or colors are used to illustrate what was happening when the system was being charged: Black line - represents a "sleep" period. Striped line (Blue on color PowerBooks) - represents when the PowerBook was recharging. Gray line (Green) - represents when the PowerBook was running off an internal battery. Text only display While displaying all of the indicators and measurements, these tiny displays are suitable for sticking in a visible corner of your screen.   Moving the displays Any of the window displays can be dragged to a screen location that you desire. For example, you can drag the bar graph display to the bottom left corner of the screen, so you can see it under the windows of other applications. To drag a window, move the mouse pointer over the window. Click down on the mouse button, and with the mouse button still pressed down, drag the window wherever you want it. MyBattery will remember where you left it and will bring the window up in the same position the next time your run MyBattery.